Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tofu with penne

Y'know, sometimes you just don't feel like making a big production at dinner. Sometimes, you just want to fry up some fresh tofu cubes in olive oil and diced onions until both are crispy and then throw in some marinated artichoke hearts, diced tomato (canned! but drained-ish), garlic and some Italian herbs and salt and pour the mixture over some penne and call it a meal.

I did also pan fry some frozen haircots vert over high-ish heat to serve as a side dish.

Baby Eats loves the fried tofu and artichoke hearts; notsomuch the green beans. We're still trying, though.


megmo said...

Oooh, this sounds really good. Do you use firm or soft tofu?

Stephanie said...

You crack me up. In my house, that IS making a big production! Oh how I wish I enjoyed cooking :-(

Lesley Eats said...

@Megan - definitely the firm or extra firm fresh tofu (in the refrigerated section), drained. To drain tofu, just put it on a plate with another plate inverted on top and a couple of heavy bowls on top of that. Leave it for about 15 minutes and drain off the water.

And it was really good--I forgot to mention that!

@Stephanie - oh boy, I don't know what to tell you. The most involved part of this was stirring the tofu in the fry pan. Everything but the pasta cooked in one pan! And I could've thrown the beans in there, too; I just wanted them to be crispy. You definitely need a Trader Joe's near you. Or come here for a visit!!

Alexandriaweb said...

Ooooh that's making my mouth water reading it, I now know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow :D