Monday, November 26, 2007

Almost Vegetarian

One of the cookbooks I have in my increasingly-large cookbook collection is entitled "Almost Vegetarian." And considering that nearly eight years into this process, I'm still stumbling over hidden critter bits and juice myself, I was intrigued by a comment on this post at Back in Skinny Jeans that I found via Brittney, she of now-deceased blog, Vegetarian Nashville, seein' as how she has relo'd to the Bay Area and I'm green with jealousy (insert pun here).

What was I saying? Oh, I found this blog, Almost Vegetarian. It's sassy. I like it. I've already found an easy and seemingly tasty recipe I want to try. And I don't yet know her well enough to tell her that Parmesan cheese (and certainly not Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese) is not vegetarian. I only found out myself a few months ago (you know, that rennet thing). As I've mentioned, the world is full of little landmines for vegetarians. She is, at least an admitted "almost" vegetarian. I'm sometimes an accidental and ignorant omnivore!


Almost Vegetarian said...

Like, oh bother. You mean Parmigiano-Reggiano isn't vegetarian? Well that's going to put a helluva kink in my plans, to say nothing about the plans of my Italian husband who is already having a tough time of it not eating meat 37 times a day, I mean ... erm ... where was I?

Oh yes. I know Parmigiano-Reggiano is not vegan because of the dairy (and cheese is nothing if not dairy), but as long as there is no meat in there, then it qualifies for vegetarian.

Ok. So is there meat in there? If there is, come out, come out, wherever you are. Such pesky stuff. It hides everywhere.

I'm off to have a nice salad as penance. Oh dear.

(And thanks for the nice words about my blog. Except for the bombshell about the cheese. That was a shocker.)


Almost Vegetarian said...

Well now I am a little wiser and a little sadder. What won't they put meat in?

I'm off to eat some processed food. At least I know there is nothing but some nice, juicy chemicals in there, yum yum. (Actually, I'm going for a plain yogurt - don't tell me if there are meat products anywhere near it. My world has been rocked enough!)
