Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just a Coke?

I was on the road earlier this week and needed caffeine. I didn't want to get Baby Eats out of the car seat, so I needed a drive-thru. I passed several too-busy exits and found one a little less complicated where there were but two choices: McDonalds and Sonic. Sonic! I love Sonic! Mmmm...cherry limeade...but I needed caffeine. So when faced with the countless options, I just got a Coke.

I went to Sonic and just got a plain Coke. But, y'know, it does have good ice. So that makes it just a little more speical.

Regardless, I felt like one of those weirdos that goes to Baskin-Robbins or Ben & Jerry's and gets vanilla ice cream.

Related: You should read the blog of Molly Erdman (the Sonic wife) and her fantastic creation, Catalog Living. Many thanks to Chris Lowry of Germantown Cafe and Allium for sharing the link with me. Which reminds me, I need a ball of twine for my nightstand. And a plate of dried figs to go under my coffee table.

1 comment:

megmo said...

That catalog site is killing me. I never realized how unrealistic and stupid having 400 oddly placed accessories all over your house is, but dang. Catalog living really highlights that, huh?

It makes me feel better since I have never set out to decorate a room in an overt theme. At least not on purpose.