Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I haven't been posting about the food I've eaten since my return to Nashville because I've been adjusting to eating at home again. Which is difficult when I haven't been able to make it to the grocery. So I've been raiding the pantry.

I did go to McNeil's the other day to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, though and I've enjoyed having good, ripe tomatoes around the house. I'm not exactly sure what commercial growers do to tomatoes to make the ones you buy at the grocery so utterly tasteless. Even the "vine-ripe" tomatoes are pretty bland. Though organic grape and cherry tomatoes are usually a little better.

So my diet has been pretty uneventful over the last couple of days--tomato and cheese sandwiches, pasta with sauteed diced tomatoes and a couple of my black bean, cheese and (you guessed it) tomato burritoes. Maybe I'll make it to the store tomorrow.

But tonight, instead of scraping together whatever I could for dinner (I'm now out of beans and cheese but I do still have tomatoes), I met a friend for dinner at Golden Thai. I'm still bereft eleven months later from the closing of my favorite Thai place, Salathai, but Golden Thai has eased my pain somewhat. I say I really like Thai food, but in all honesty, 99% of the time, I order tofu massaman. Click the link if you're so inclined to make your own. Generally, there are certain things that I will not make; things that I can't make better or cheaper at home and tofu massaman falls into that category.

However, in trying to find a good link for this post, I discovered that what I've been eating in Thai restaurants for the last five years (when I first discovered Thai food back in Memphis) is probably not vegetarian. It may be that the massamans I've been consuming have either fish or chicken stock in them. I should have thought to ask, but as a vegetarian, I tend to get excited when there's a tofu option and assume it's vegetarian (bad idea). Then again, there are people out there who ask me if I eat fish when I say I'm a vegetarian. Last I checked, you could not stick a fish seed in the dirt and grow a new fish, so no, it's not vegetarian (though be sure to ask me for some cheese and egg seeds sometime--ha!).

Needless to say, tonight's tofu massaman isn't sitting real well in the stomach. I better pop a few Rolaids before bed. And check the ingredients on them first. Ah, the hazards of being an herbivore in a carnivore's world.

After all these years, it's time to find a new favorite Thai dish. And make my own massaman at home.

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