Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bits & Pieces

We're half-way through World Vegetarian week, but I don't have any recipes to post. So I'm going to share a couple of stories instead.

Last night, I was at my local Kroger picking up some pre-washed organic baby romaine lettuce (because yes, I am that lazy) and I hear "Excuse me, ma'am" from behind. There was a time when I didn't answer to ma'am, but I realize that at 35, I'm a ma'am and I just need to deal with it.

Anyhoo, it was an older gentleman who was holding a bunch of asparagus in his hand. He asked, "Can you tell me what the difference is between this bunch of asparagus and this other one right here?" He was inquiring about the organic selection. After a little more information exchange, I realized that he really didn't know what the implications were of "organic." I explained to him best I could that farmers have to grow the organic foods according to government regulations that among other things, dictate that it's not grown with a bunch of toxic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. I went on to tell him that it's most important that you buy organic for items that don't have a consumable peel (I don't buy organic bananas) and that, overall, I find that organic foods taste better.

That last bit of information is really all he cared to know. He said he goes to a grocery about once every two years, but was entertaining last evening and wanted to buy some food that was good. So I kind of wasted a bit of his time. And mine. Oh, well. If you have any other questions about what organic really means, I suggest you check out this entry at Almost Vegetarian.

Anyhoo, in case you think that all vegetarians are humorless food police determined to keep you from eating all the living creatures in the world, you should check out this very funny article over at Slate that I found via 101 Cookbooks. Though, FYI, I don't enjoy the smell of cooking bacon. Or any cooking meat, generally. Never have. And I don't even remember what bacon tastes like because I wasn't ever a big fan. So all you bacon lovers can just give up on me. Oh, and I might be judging you for what you eat. Because a lot of you eat total crap. And you should stop.


Anonymous said...

That was a great article --

"In fact, I like to think that when an omnivore looks in the mirror, he just sees a vegetarian who happens to eat meat."

-- is just about right for some of us :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, bacon layer cake...

Anonymous said...

I can't stop thinking about someone who only grocery shops every two years. Can't.Stop. And yet is planning to shop and presumably cook for guests, a time when quality control is crucial. Madman? Genius? Clueless?

Lynnster said...

You just admitted to eating three banana macadamia nut with cream cheese frosting cupcakes, and we meat-eaters eat crap? LOL. :)

Hey, when did you change this header? I love the new one! It is new, right? (Don't mind me, it's ADD kicking in I think... but I do love it, very cute!)