Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lesley Chews

The SO brought me a big surprise the other day: Lemon-Lime Orbit gum. I haven't had any in a while because I'd not been able to find it. I was afraid it had been discontinued, but it's still available for sale by the case online. But I really have no need for $15 worth of gum.

The review I linked to had some fairly poor comments. It's true that the flavor is very strong at first and dies away quickly, but I like that. It dies away and gets tougher to chew about the time that I should spit it out anyway. And that initial burst is like a big swig of extra-strong Sprite. Sure, I could have a Sprite and get a similar sensation, but the gum is a lot more handy. And has fewer calories.

I'm so happy to have this gum in my life again. Oh, and the SO--I'm glad he's in my life, too (hi honey!).


Diana said...

They might be doing away with all their weird flavors... I'm buying up the last bit of the Citrusmint, which has been clearanced at Publix, along with several other flavors. I chew one piece after breakfast, on my way to work. Who needs OJ?

Anonymous said...

I thought from the title that this would either be tobacco-related or a headlong plunge into the brave world of vegetarian jerky... ;^)

Lesley said...

Diana: I'm going to Publix TODAY. I'm dismayed to hear that these are on clearance. Clearance at Publix is a bellwether of doom.

Anon: I despise chewing tobacco so much that I even hate spearmint-flavored items. The smell nauseates me due to some childhood drama involving a spittoon. And vegetarian jerky? That's just weird. I'll stick with the gum.

michael, claudia and sierra said...

ANON !!! oh my god. who are you? i too have a spearmint aversion due to a childhod trauma! i can not handle being near the smell one bit. it immediately makes me very nauseated. no really. i am so very serious. i thought i was the only one.

this is very very very funny to me...

Lesley said...

Spearmint AND wintergreen, for the record. I'm not quite sure which is worse. But I don't want to test it.

Unknown said...

Isn't that Orbit gum kind of like that Gatorade gum of the 70s... or are you too young to remember that. It sounds just like your gum, a burst of flavor, then loss of flavor and hard to chew.

Anonymous said...

I love this gum too, and never see it anywhere anymore. Now the citrusmint -- just too weird for me. I won't be sad to see it go.